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Renee Wong


For this blog post:

PR team member: Renee Wong (author)

At Week 6, the PR team member had created a sponsorship request letter draft. As seen below is the sponsorship request letter draft.

Sponsorship Request Letter Draft

(Wong, 2018)

(Wong, 2018)

(Wong, 2018)

Kindly find the attached link for the sponsorship request letter draft.

As seen above, the letter have been drafted in a way that it can be amended to suit both Gold and Platinum sponsorship package. The reason behind it is because there are many important details yet to be confirmed such as the venue, date and time of the event, designers to be featured and so on. According to the marketing department timeline, sponsorship request letter needed to be sent on week 7 and on wards. To speed things up and prevent any hold-up on the PR team's task due to the delay n confirmation of the , the PR team member have decided to created this draft beforehand to be safe. So, when every details have been confirmed, she can easily slot the details in, make amendments and start sending sponsorship request emails to sponsor. Besides, she have written certain wordings in red as those are the wordings needed to be altered in future for different sponsorship package.

The content of the sponsorship request letter are the brief introduction to the event, the main details of the event, subcultures featured on the event, the kind of support the event wish to receive from sponsors (financial / material), the benefits the sponsors will be getting, contact details and most importantly, stating that the terms and agreements are able to be negotiate. The Malaysian Youth Now Fashion and Art Exhibition logo was attached on the top and bottom headings as a letterhead design.

This sponsorship letter will be used for all sponsorship request and will be amended to suit each sponsor and the type of sponsorship package (Gold & Platinum).


The subcultures featured in this letter have been changed as there have been an addition of subcultures in Week 8, as seen in this blog post. The previous subcultures written in this letter are Minimalist, Modern Tradition, Graffiti, Hijabster, Hip Hop, Clubber, Gamer and Psychedelia.

Thank You,

Renee Wong



Wong, R. (2018). Sponsorship Request Letter. [image] Available at: [Accessed 20 Dec. 2018].

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