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Renee Wong


Malaysian Youth Now organizers volunteered at the Spastic Children Association in Petalling Jaya from 8:30am - 1:pm. The purpose behind the visit is to share kindness and love to the children in need and as the purpose behind the social responsibility requirement for the event. Malaysian Youth Now will be donating 5% of the total ticket sales to their non profit organization. Besides, sponsor's booth such as Yoke & Theam and Mazda Beh the tattoo artist will be contributing part of their sales onto the association as well. The author have contacted with the person in charge from the association to schedule a day where everyone is free to pay a visit and volunteered in helping the children throughout their learning process in school. These children are facing difficulties in life due to the malfunction of nervous system. Initially, the marketing team proposed to have a baking session with the children and got the whole class to agree with this idea, however the principle informed the author that it would be a little troublesome as they don't have any baking or cooking utensils such as oven in their place. Hence, the author initiated to ask the kind of help the children needed the most and the organizers of Malaysian You Now are more than happy to help out. After a conversion on the phone, the principle suggested that it would be great if the organizers of Malaysian Youth Now could be a little patience and spend some time with the children during their learning classes in school and help out with the teacher as well as some classes are a little big and is out of hand.


All images courtesy of (Tan, 2019).

Thank You,

Renee Wong



Tan, M. (2019). SCAS & FT. [image].

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