Link to personal website
According to, having a personal website really benefits an individual in terms of personal branding. With a personal website, the individual is able to showcase their talent, skills and experiences through creativity and freedom. Besides, the layout and design of the website also represents the individual's personality. Hence, by scrolling through a personal website, the recruiter is able to somehow connect and understand the individual as a person. Other than that, with a website, recruiters are able to stumble upon the individual more easily with search engine optimization. (Tadic, n.d.)
A personal website was created to better showcase the author's personality, interest, professional experience and so on. Owning a personal website will add value to the individual and the more content the individual posts, the higher the influence to other people (Francis, 2017). As seen below is the screenshots of the author's website.
Website homepage
The colour palette of the website is design to match her promotional kits to show a consistent in colour palette. The outlook of the whole website is created to look clean, simple and elegant which also represents the work ethic and style of the author in real life. Besides, the author had design this website as user friendly as possible with different titles categorized on the menu bar because no one wants a messy and confusing website, especially when you're promoting yourself.
As seen below is the illustration used in the back of her business card. The author further discuss more about her journey to her current life in her "About Me" section. The tone of voice used in this website is friendly, slightly informal to sound approachable.
To know more about the author, she also created a fun little video explaining little bits and pieces of her life.
In the website, the author shares some of her favourite works which include her editorial styling as seen below. It was her first editorial styling and was something sentimental to her as she found her current best friends in college through this styling session and this coursework really sparked her interest in fashion styling and photo shoots.
Similar to some other people, the author enjoys travelling where she found out that her problems are often only a small matter in her life. Other than that, she loves to see different cultures in different cities, experiencing different lifestyle for a change and bring back wonderful memories.
Other than styling, illustrating is something she enjoys doing as it reduces her stress. Here are some works that she'd done during her free time.
At last, there's a contact me session where basically anyone could contact her whether is it for business purposes or just to say hi.
Thank You,
Renee Wong
Francis, L. (2017). Why you need a personal website – Personal Branding – Medium. [online] Medium. Available at: [Accessed 29 Jan. 2019].
Renee Wong mysite. (2019). Mysite. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Jan. 2019].
Tadic, A. (n.d.). Why You Should Create a Personal Website ASAP. [online] TopResume. Available at: [Accessed 30 Jan. 2019].