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Renee Wong


Updated: Jan 30, 2019


For this blog post:

Document: CV draft

Students were required to draft important and relevant information that would go into their curriculum vitae for their internship position at their preferred company within 30-45 minutes. Students were then assigned to share their drafts to their fellow classmates and receive opinions from them regarding the quality of the draft. Then, a professional feedback will be given by the lecturer judging by the sufficiency of information, proper format usage and industry job requirements. As seen here is the CV draft with lecturer’s feedback. There are a few important amendments that needed to be done. According to the lecturer, it is better to have a few introductory sentences as the personal details given is insufficient. Besides, the arrangement of the information should also be adjusted to make it look better. Other than that, skill sets required for stylist job position should also be included in the CV. Aside from rating skills with “advanced” or “intermediate”, a ranking bar should be created to grade the skills as this format gives a modern touch to the CV.

(Wong, 2018)

How to create an impressive CV?

According to Business of Fashion, here's a few important takeaways from the article published.

1) Clear and Uncluttered

The information should be clear, concise, readable so the interviewer shouldn't take long to understand the CV as CV is one of the first tool for the candidate to capture the interviewer's attention (The Business of Fashion, 2018). Other than that, a CV should never have a typo in it. Hence, getting a couple of friends to proof read the CV is advised to prevent any mistakes.

2) Relevant

A CV is recommended to be only a page long where the candidate should only put skills and work experience related to the job he/she is applying for. Additional details or information can be further explained or shared during the interview session or in the cover letter. (The Business of Fashion, 2018)

3) Switch roles

By switching roles and pretending to be the interviewer, questions such as 'Is this person worth meeting for?" should be asked and the CV should make the interviewer interested in meeting the interviewee just by looking at the CV. (The Business of Fashion, 2018)

4) Tailoring

Each CV should be tailored to suit the applied job and the interest of the interviewer, if possible. The layout, colour used, relevant experiences, education etc need to be tailored to best fit the job requirement. (The Business of Fashion, 2018)

As seen below is the CV layout created by the author. Details and information were replaced with Lorem ipsum for privacy purposes.

(Wong, 2018)

The CV was created with the guidelines from Business of Fashion and advice from the lecturer. The CV is in one page, clearly categorized, working experiences are concise and relevant to the job position of a fashion stylist as the author listed styling jobs from Louis Vuitton and Sky News Arabia. The CV is overall readable and easy to understand according to other classmate's opinion in the class.

Thank You,

Renee Wong



The Business of Fashion. (2018). Insider Insights on Writing the Perfect CV. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Jan. 2019].

Unsplash (2018). [image] Available at: [Accessed 30 Oct. 2018].

Wong, R. (2018). CV draft [image].

Wong, R. (2018). CV layout[image].

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