18th October 2018 was the first class for Future Proofing PDP 3. Students were given introductory session for the class which include the summary of this subject, assignments briefing and also submission requirements. As told in class, the assignment for this subject is to organize a fashion event. Firstly, students were given the opportunity to choose a partner to work with and propose a fashion event idea, presenting it to the lecturer and classmates on the next week. Besides, individual task was also given by the lecturer for students to research 7 fashion event that has been happening in the fashion industry for no longer than 3 years. The aim of this task is to allow students to get a better idea on the types of event they would wish to organize, educate themselves on the latest event trends happening and why. Both tasks were assigned to be presented in class on the coming week which is the 25th of October 2018. The 7 fashion events as well as feedback from lecturer and classmates will be discussed on the next post.
Thank You,
Unsplash (2017). A model poses for photographers backstage at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.. [image] Available at: https://unsplash.com/photos/RC7bYyG5PUs [Accessed 30 Oct. 2018].